

February 2020


February Brings the Awakening from Winter…

All the drama and tension of January finally eases as we move into the tiniest month of all: February. The energy frequency of this time of year is that of irrepressible determination for new ideas, creations, and opportunities to rise. The old ways won't work any more. Tradition is wonderful and we learn a lot from it, but the time has come to try some new ways and ideas.

As the drive for forward direction forces choices, we begin to move past thinking about things and start formulating plans. Whether planning a vegetable garden, a vacation, or a business expansion, there must be imaged interaction in the mind with things that don't yet exist. These vision plans must begin unfolding from the end.

To get watermelons in your garden, you have to choose watermelons or you'll just get weeds. To get to the Grand Canyon, you have to specifically choose the Grand Canyon or you can end up at Grand Cayman. There must be an element of desire to drive the process from dream to reality. When desire grows to the level of Love, the idea takes on a life of its own. If there is no Love, the idea can simply fade away, like ice on the sidewalk in Summer. Soon you don't even remember it ever existed.

This country has gone through some pretty serious divisiveness during the impeachment of our President. Both sides have their reasons for their choices. Both sides are Americans. Both sides look at the other and wonder what in the hell the other is thinking. But you know what? It doesn't really matter. Everyone is our neighbor. Everyone is our brother because we are all members of the Family of Man.

Let us look toward what we love about our country. Let us focus on the good parts about being an American. Let us turn our attention toward supporting each other. Bring your focus back home. Look to your neighbors and your family for whom you can serve. Make a big pot of soup and share some with the person who lives alone. Wave and smile at every neighbor as they drive past you on your street. All of these things are in your control. No votes needed. No government interference.

As Mary Ann Williamson shared with us, "Hate won't bring us together. Only love can do that." Let us find something we love in our neighbors and honor that. Pay no attention to anything else. Love is always the answer. Nature is showing the way, even through the last days of Winter. The days are getting longer and the Sun's light is strengthening. Start with loving yourself and everything and everyone else will naturally fall into their proper places.


2020 Feng Shui Workshops:
The Dance of the Celestial Animals

The Black Tortoise Waltzes with the Green Dragon Workshop will be presented on February 9th with a focus on the Black Tortoise's Water energy beginning to melt and move. As the Water trickles it tickles the Green Dragon, titillating the Wood energy into a quickening that will lead to Spring in March.

Explore how to use the energies of the season to your benefit. The Earth itself is ready for any seeds you wish to plant. She doesn't care if you're going for apples or corn, she will simply nurture the seeds you plant until the time for harvest.

My Feng Shui & Moon Magic 2020 Planning Calendar (Available on Amazon at bit.ly/TrishaKeelBooks) reveals that the time flow has slipped into the Mutable quality of Water transforming into the Cardinal quality of Wood. Step into the 1-2-3 pattern of the waltz and slowly dance your way towards the manifestation of your goals.

Join me live in Houston/Bellaire, Texas or online via Zoom from wherever you are, Sunday, February 9th, from 1:30-3PM and learn waltz with the Tortoise and Dragon. Register for both the Feng Shui Workshop and the Wheel of the Year Practical Magic Workshop of February 23rd, and save 10%.

The Practical Magic Workshop for Ostara will explore the clearing and preparation rituals of Spring and enchantments for manifesting dreams. Discover how to prepare for and celebrate Ostara, the Spring Equinox of March 19th. We will explore some options for Water Magic enchantments which can be used during the times of Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio influence. Distance learners need a a slip of white paper, a pen with liquid black ink (not a ball point), and a red candle.

Can't make these dates? Order the video and PDF and enjoy the workshops at your own convenience.

Attend one workshop for $30 or both for $54. Those who attend live have their materials provided. I send those who attend online a list of materials to gather before the workshop. Register at bit.ly/TKFSWorkshops or http://www.tomorrowskey.com/PracticalMagicWorkshops.html.

More information here

Want More Feng Shui & Moon Magic?

If you want more Feng Shui & Moon Magic fun, the original books are available on Amazon. Feng Shui & Moon Magic and the Feng Shui & Moon Magic MMXX Planning Calendar are both only $25. GREAT gifts for starting your magical life. Find them and all my books on Amazon at bit.ly/TrishaKeelBooks

AND all twelve of the 2019 Feng Shui & Moon Magic Workshops are available from my library at http://www.tomorrowskey.com/FengShuiWorkshops.html


Notice the Interference and Stay Calm…

When there is enough Light shining that the Dark side takes notice, their first line of offense is to disrupt. Then comes the tactic to confuse. Wait for it… here comes distract… When you are prepared for disruption, you change the outcome. Stay focused people.

Yes, I am speaking about the forces of Evil interrupting whatever it perceives to be disrupting its plans. The Dark Brotherhood doesn't mess with those it doesn't see, so if you aren't having an impact on the group dynamic, you're fairly safe. It is when someone does impact the group on a scale large enough to be recognized that the Dark side will throw a wrench into the works.

Detach. Observe. Notice the hijinx. Stop the interruption from gaining momentum. Interrupt their interference. Then keep on keeping on. Being a Light worker requires stamina and determination. You've got that. It can be as simple as deleting a post on social media or as complex as researching something you were told. Encourage those who are shining. Repeat.

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Feng Shui Fun On The Run PRO Blog Free Sample:

Green Dragon Run Amok

Green Dragon energy emanates from wallpaper, made from trees. Cherry blossom wallpaper reiterates the upward rising energy of Spring. In this pristine room, the walls are resonating with the burgeoning blossoms that will become fruit. In Nature, these branches would be buzzing with very happy bees, busily swimming in pollen of every flower, pollenating in a drunken frenzy. Plant sex is a joyous thing.

The plates on sconces above the framed peonies focus the viewer’s mind on deciding how they are up there and if there are plates behind the plates. And there are! Just because you can pair decorative pieces doesn’t mean you should. If there is any hanky panky in that bed, and by all means there should be, those plates will be bumped when the headboard bumps, and the crashes will bring coitus interruptus, at the very least!

Peonies are symbolic of short-term romantic relationships. Note that the largest blossom faces away from the bed. It is one thing if you are a single person looking for a little fun with no long-term commitments. It’s another thing entirely to fool around behind someone’s back, even if you want to be caught.

The hanging light fixture is a complex story of betrayal and pain. This is a star, which, by definition, is a fixed luminous point in the night sky which is a large, remote incandescent body like the Sun. It is “above” the sleepers, it is “remote,” and it is the father figure. Note the three decorative pillows. This woman wants to be caught - even if her transgressions are staged for a magazine ad, there is quite a story being played out on this stage.

The mirrored star multiplies the pattern and stabs the sleeper. No rest here. STOP the busy-ness! Decorating without regard to the Celestial Animals creates spaces that bring discomfort, lack support, and make folks uneasy.

Want More Feng Shui Fun?

We are currently studying the Dance of the Celestial Animals, exploring how the Green Dragon, Red Phoenix, Golden Cicada, White Tiger, and Black Tortoise tango together. Know what you're walking into wherever you go when you subscribe to Feng Shui mini-lessons. Subscribe for only $15/month at http://bit.ly/Subscribe2FSFOTR.


Spring Equinox Energy Clearing Workshop:

March 16, 2019 - Register by March 9 and Save!

You can hire me or someone else to come in and clear out Winter's stale stagnation, or you can learn to do it for yourself! This Spring Equinox Energy Clearing seminar is centered around the element of Earth. She is waking up and we are smelling the roses. The Sun has returned to its focal point at the Equator and moves again towards the Northern Hemisphere. It’s time now to clean and clear and get everything fresh as a daisy. Later, it will be too hot and you will be too busy outside and on vacation to get to this. Prepare your home to host your family's growing season!

Explore these energy clearing methods and tools so you'll have them when you need them:

  • Spring Cleaning to Honor Your Space
  • Spring Happy House Blessing
  • Harmonizing Homes with Hot Cross Buns
  • Mixing Herbal Salts for Well-being
  • Conjuring Salt Spell for Empowerment
  • Kitchen Magic Banishing Bulbs
  • Burying Crystals to Clear Their Energy
  • Tree Blessing Charm for a Happy Home
  • Weaving a Witch’s Ladder of Protection
  • The Phoenix Egg Resurrection Ritual
  • Eggs-tra Ordinary People Exorcism Ritual
  • Cleaning & Cleansing After Death
  • Cleaning & Cleansing After Divorce
  • Using Rescue Remedy to Banish Overwhelm
  • God’s Magic Box Frees You From Worry
  • Consecrating Bedrooms with Angel Support
  • Attraction Action Drawing Potion
  • Celebrating Beltane with a Bonfire & Vow

We will go through many levels of the most basic magic and make sure you understand and remember just how powerful you are. Watch your family stand back in wonder as you change the energy in your home with a whisk of a broom and the scent of something yummy baking in the oven. Enjoy flexing your magic muscles inside and outside the house. Delve into death and divorce clearing. Celebrate the end of Springtime and the coming of Summer with the fiery fun of a Beltane bonfire and a vow of intention.

LOTS of great ways to save!

Attendees receive a copy of my book, Energy Clearing by the Cycles of the Seasons and all course materials. Register early and save $23! Tuition for one is $222. (Retake the workshop any time for only $99) Bring pals and everyone saves! Tuition for two is only $333. Tuition for three is only $444. Register today at https://www.tomorrowskey.com/EnergyClearingWorkshops.html


Mercury Retrogrades in Pisces

You are likely already noticing that communication is getting a bit more difficult. This is going to continue for a while. Mercury goes retrograde in Pisces on February 18/19 so its wobble has already begun. Expect that emails are not being received, or, if they are received, they are not being acted upon. Expect that what you say to others does not align with what others think they hear you say. Don't freak out. Just stop. Slow down. Double check your communications. Be attentive to an increased level of information exchange. READ contracts before signing them, and be sure you know what the words mean. Do your research before you buy a major purchase.


Mercury is going to pass between the Sun and the Earth. There will be lots of action at very high frequencies. Know that. Prepare for that. And prepare for there to be missing information. As well as tangled lines. In Pisces, the fish are going in different directions, just as most folks are in the world today. Both fish are connected by a cord but one heads toward the Pole Star and the other follows the ecliptic path. You can see that a visit with this duo will lead to a knot of confusion, especially if you're moving through it backasswards. Follow all threads of possible miscommunication. You never regret doing your homework, you know?


The Magic of Tiny Things (Excerpt)

Years ago, too many to count, there was a little shop in the Village that sold tiny ceramic figures. There were all sorts of animals - chickens, horses, cats, and dogs - and fantasy stuff too - fairies, gnomes, unicorns, and such. I can remember looking at them with wonder and awe at all their tiny and perfect details. I was, and still am, quite literally…charmed.

When I was even younger, my daddy built my sister and me a tiny kitchen. It is about five feet across and four feet tall. There are cabinets above a counter and in between there is a little mirror with a red curtain and white rick-rack to look like a window. There are two drawers, one on each side of the 9x13 cake pan that serves as the kitchen sink. And down below are three cupboard doors that open up to the large storage space. I still have this kitchen. I also have the chair and little trunk he also made me that Christmas. Later, he built all us girls a tiny house in the back yard where we played endlessly with the kitchen and our dolls. They were “just our size!” I was, and still am, quite literally…enchanted.

What IS it that creates the magic in the miniature? It is that age old law that says, “As above, so below.” This law explains why we are so entranced by the allure of the tiny. If we have a tiny thing that looks just like the real deal, then we have a “seed” of the real deal. We have a scintilla of the wonder without any of the responsibility. We can play, and when we get bored with it, we can put it down and go do something else. This is the best of all worlds.

When you have baby animals, you get a chance to hold them and smell them and play with them, and then you can give them back to their mamas to feed them and clean them and care for them. If the mama is lost, you must take on her role, or the babies will die. But if you have a toy, you can put it down and forget about it till you are ready to play with it again.

The charm of the thing is enhanced by details, but not too many. This is a key point to remember. It doesn’t matter how small it is. What matters is how much it is like the full sized thing it mirrors. And it doesn’t have to be a smaller reproduction in every way. The most important thing to include is the ability to use the imagination!

When my elder daughter was about two, she fell in love with her cousin’s “car.” It was beat up and missing all the accoutrements, but it rolled. She loved that car as much as – and maybe more than – she loved her first real car. Fisher Price Toys “get” it about the magic of the miniature. They give is Little People and all their places to be, the farm, the school bus, and all the places our imagination could create. The magic of their stuff isn’t in the detail, it is in staying out of the way of the imagination and letting the kids create. This is the secret to the magic of the card table fort. Kids are allowed to imagine. This is a powerful force that lets them create their future.


Order the rest of this workshop, the bonus materials, and its audio recording - as well as many others - at http://www.tomorrowskey.com/PracticalMagic/workshops.html


Train as a Professional with a Professional…
Spring Session: March 30–April 3

Whether you wish to establish your own practice as a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner, enhance a career in Real Estate or Interior Design, or create the environment that supports your life and dreams, Tomorrow's Key Professional Training Program ensures your strong foundation for the future. You step out day one of training as a Professional Feng Shui Practitioner, performing Tibetan transcendental energy shifts for both residential and commercial clients at my side, with full back up as you get your balance.

Give yourself the gift of the wisdom you need to take 100% control of your environment! Register today for the next training session, March 30–April 3, or, enjoy training days according to your calendar. Call today to set up your own week of training!

You receive an extensive Professional Feng Shui Practitioner Resource Guide that will back you up as you go forward because you will have all the notes for future reference. The very first day of training you will begin using divination through the I Ching, the Chinese Book of Changes, to know more about what you're stepping into than your senses can tell you. You learn to explore and impact environmental energy in physical and metaphysical frequencies using your hands, tuning forks, and intuitive knowing.

There are intermediate and advanced workshops to grow into, as well as a daily blog to keep your wisdom fresh every day. For much more information, please visit my website at bit.ly/ProFSTraining or call 713-952-5429.


Do You Miss You?

There came a time in my 40s when I didn't look in the mirror any more. The person I saw reflected there wasn't me. I didn't really know who she was, but she was on her own in a world she had created herself. And she was awfully lonely surrounded by all sorts of people she really loved. It was awful. I eventually realized that I missed me.

I stopped one day as I finished brushing my teeth and looked myself in the eye. It wasn't easy at first. In trying to please everyone else, in attempting to take care of everyone around me - husband, children, family, friends, neighbors, clients, animals, AND the house AND my business - I had betrayed myself. I had not taken care of me.

I began the long journey back to me by myself. There were no guides. No others saying they had experienced the same loss. So with a fierce determination, and an incredible amount of faith and hope, I set out to get back to me.

It took almost 7 years for me to find my way. But I did it. AND I created a workshop so that YOU can get back to yourself in six months or less…GUARANTEED.

The Art of Living Your Life begins a new session on Thursday, January 16th, online, from 7:30-9PM Central. All sessions are recorded in case you need to miss one. Tuition is $60/mo. By Summer, you will literally be living the life you've always dreamed of. Ready to get going?

If you miss you… If you dream of coming back to yourself… This workshop is for you. Registration is still open. Register today at bit.ly/TKArtOfLiving



Tomorrows Key 5223 Mimosa Drive Bellaire, Texas 77401 United States (713) 952-5429